September 20 - September 23 Hotel Boboty, Slovakia


23rd meeting of DIDFYZ

About the conference

DIDFYZ is a well-established international conference that has been held since 1977. In 2023, it will be 23rd meeting.

The conference will include invited lectures, oral presentations, and discussions on specialized topics. The objective of the conference is to discuss the results of academic research and exchange invaluable experiences in the field of physics education.

The conference is organized by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia.

All sessions will be held at the Hotel Boboty situated in a picturesque village of Terchova in northeastern Slovakia neighbored by Mala Fatra National Park.

Please send your comments and suggestions to the organizers through the email addresses:










Important dates

April 16, 2023 Preliminary registration, Abstract submission deadline
April 7, 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance
July 16, 2023 Full paper submission
July 16, 2023 Notification of manuscript acceptance
July 14, 2023 The fee payment deadline
September 20 - September 23, 2023 Conference dates


Conference topics


New approaches in physics education for generation Z

The basic goal of the DIDFYZ 2023 conference will be to reflect the characteristics of the educated generation referred to as Z and Alpha in physics education, in the content, activities and methods used in teaching physics.

Appropriate topics include

1. Goals, content and methods of physical education of generation Z
Reflection of the specifics of generation Z in the content and methods of education in physics.
Specifics of didactic communication with generation Z in teaching physics.
Changes in the content of physical education in new conditions.
Means and methods of education in physics reflecting the demands of generation Z.
Methodology of obtaining physical knowledge from various information sources.
Transferring knowledge into practice and verifying the ability of student to use new knowledge in life.
Changes in the approach to physical education at different levels and types of schools here and abroad.
Preparation of physics teachers to use new forms of education.
2. Empirical cognition, research-oriented learning and physical experiment in the environment of generation Z
Innovative methods of education in physics.
Tasks, functions and structure of the physical experiment in new conditions.
Selection, implementation and interpretation of experiments taking into account empirical and theoretical learning procedures, inclusion of new knowledge and their application and use in practice.
Physical experiment methodology reflecting the requirements of the new generation.
An experiment in the cognitive process of natural science subjects.
Selection of the experiment with regard to age and subject matter and its inclusion in the cognitive process of student (real, model and their combination).


Conference history

The first meeting of DIDFYZ conference was organized on November 24 - 25, 1977 in Bojnice. Subsequently, the meetings were held periodically, aiming at scientists working in the field of physics education.



October 13 - 16, 2021 Vrátna - Terchová, Slovakia Didactic transfer of physics knowledge through distance education
October 09 - 12, 2019 Vrátna - Terchová, Slovakia Formation of the Natural-Science Image of the World in the 21st Century
October 19 - 22, 2016 Račkova Valley, Slovakia From the Roots to Contemporary Education in Physics
October 15 - 18, 2014 Račkova Valley, Slovakia To Define the Content of School Physics for the 21st Century
October 17 - 20, 2012 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Physics Teaching in the Reformed System of Education
October 20 - 23, 2010 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Current Issues of Physical Education in the European Space
October 14-18, 2008 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Physics Education in the Light of New Scientific Knowledges
October 11 - 14, 2006 Račkova Valley, Slovakia The Improvement of students Skills in Natural Science Education
October 13 - 16, 2004 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Information and Communication Technologies in Physics Education
October 16 - 19, 2002 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Upgrading the Content of Physical Education
October 18 - 21, 2000 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Objectives of Physics Teaching in the New Millennium
October 07 - 10, 1998 Račkova Valley, Slovakia New Knowledge in Science and its Transformation into Teaching Physics in Primary and Secondary Schools
October 23 - 26, 1996 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Natural Sciences Education for the 21st Century
August 25 - 27, 1994 Nitra, Slovakia Independent Activities for Students in Physics
September 10 - 12, 1992 Nitra, Slovakia Physical Education in the Czech Republic and Abroad
October 18 - 21, 1989 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Didactic Modeling of Cognition Processes in Physics
October 28 - 31, 1987 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Function of Physics at Elementary and Secondary Schools
October 24 - 26, 1985 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Mathematical Methods and Computer Science in Teaching Physics at Secondary Schools
October 27 - 29, 1983 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Teaching Physics at Grammar School and Current Problems in Scientific and Technological Development
September 07 - 08, 1981 Nitra, Slovakia Experimental Activity of Pupils in Physics
November 21 - 23, 1979 Račkova Valley, Slovakia Teaching Physics at Elementary School and Present Problems of Scientific and Technological Development
November 24 - 25, 1977 Bojnice, Slovakia The Problem of Solving Physical Problems



  • Hotel Boboty
  • Vrátna 515
  • 013 06, Hotel Boboty, Slovakia