
Searching for more effective ways of educating the younger generation in physics means not only reforming the content and methods from the point of view of us creators and teachers, but mainly understanding the object of education, i.e. a young person - a student crossing the school gates. Our perception of the student is marked, in my opinion, by a certain boundary and a shell in which we are enclosed and from which we perceive the surroundings. If we look at some areas and disciplines that professionally focus on identifying the characteristics and behavior of the young generation, we will find inspiration for our professional work in physical education. One such industry is the field of marketing. I was interested in the article of Samuel Smolka (Smolka, S. (2019). Characteristics of generations of Slovak consumers. Marketing Science & Inspirations, 14(1), 2–11).

It is based on the assumption that knowledge of generations of consumers is one of the key identifiers when addressing the target group. The preferences of individual generations are key in creating their behavior. If we really want to influence their behavior, we must try to get to know the generation being addressed thoroughly. We can also understand our students as consumers of communicated physical knowledge. Have we thought in more detail about the characteristics of the generation we are addressing when creating physical education?

Identifying which generations we are addressing means at the same time knowing how to address them in order to win them over and motivate them to learn about physics.

In today’s education, the generations known as Generation Z and Generation Alpha stand before us.

Generation Z is quite different from the previous generations X and Y and is the most technologically advanced yet. This generation has grown up with modern technologies, representatives of this generation are constantly glued to screens of all kinds. It is not at all difficult for people from generation Z to solve several tasks at once. On the other hand, representatives of generation Z get into trouble with an exaggerated self-confidence, often bordering on arrogance, when they think that they know everything, have heard everything and seen everything. They are used to mostly electronic communication. However, face-to-face meetings are not their forte.

The group of people born after 2010 is referred to as the Alpha Generation. He does not know the world before the technological boom that brought with it computers, the Internet, game consoles, Wi-Fi, mobile phones and digital media. Technologies, in a sense, have influenced the perception of this generation. It is assumed that the Alpha generation will completely immerse themselves in the use of technology and will not be able to imagine their life without it. This new generation will not think of technology as a tool, they will integrate technology into their lives in extraordinary ways.

In the current direction and search for ways to improve education in physics, we have reflected very little on the characteristics of the generations that are the subject of our work. The aim of the upcoming DIDFYZ 2023 conference will be to reflect the characteristics of the educated generation in physics education, in the content, activities and methods used in teaching physics.


Conference organizers

Keynote & Invited speakers

The Keynote & Invited speakers will be announced soon.

Conference programme

Informácie | Additional Information


  • Streda 14.00 – 19.00 hod. na recepcii hotela



  • Forma švédskych stolov
  • Raňajky 7.30 – 9.30
  • Obed 12.00 – 14.00
  • Večera 17.30 – 20.30


Prezentácia príspevkov

  • Na prezentovanie v sekciách bude časová dotácia 15-20 min (cca. 15 min prezentácia + 5 min. diskusia).
  • Prosíme prednášajúcich o dodržanie času vymedzeného na prezentáciu.
  • Vzhľadom na to, že príspevky budú publikované v zborníku, sústreďte svoju pozornosť na najdôležitejšie poznatky, na ktoré chcete poslucháčov upozorniť.
  • Požiadavky na prezentáciu tlmočte organizátorom v dostatočnom časovom predstihu.


Príchod, registrácia, ubytovanie | Arrival, registration, accommodation


Streda, 20. septembra 2023

Príchod účastníkov 14.00 hod. – 19.00 hod.
Ubytovanie od 14.00 hod. (na recepcii hotela)
Registrácia na konferenciu 17.00 hod.

Večera  od  18:00 do 20:30


Slávnostné otvorenie konferencie

Welcome drink 20.23 hod.

v priestoroch reštaurácie (jedálne) hotela


Rokovanie | Preliminary program

Štvrtok, 21. septembra 2023 Sála 1
Plenárne rokovanie 9.00 - 12.00
9:00 Pracovné otvorenie konferencie 

Is there a difference in the education of generations across time?

Miriam Spodniaková Pfefferová, Martin Hruška, Janka Raganová  Stanislav Holec


30 years of life of the Heureka project

Leoš Dvořák, Irena Dvořáková, Věra Koudelková, Stanislav Gottwald


Nature walks for future teachers

Ľubomíra Valovičová, Ján Ondruška, Janka Medová




Understanding and overcoming students’ difficulties in interpreting graphs: insights from a racing car problem         

Ana Susac, Roman Rosiek, Mirosława Sajka, Željka Milin Šipuš


Research on the results of secondary school physics education of Generation Z in the Czech Republic

Dana Mandíková, Petra Pschotnerová

12:15 - 14:00



Štvrtok, 21. septembra 2023 Sála 1
Sekcia A – Ciele, obsah a metódy fyzikálneho vzdelávania generácie Z 14.00 - 15.20

Does generation Z (and Alpha) need physics as a separate school subject?

Renáta Holubová


Active learning in STEM education

Zuzana Jeskova


Mentoring as a way to the professional development of in-service physics teachers

Katarína Kozelková


Innovative approaches to high school physics competitions: Harnessing the power of AI and open science

Dominik Borovský, Jozef Hanč, Martina Hančová




Štvrtok, 21. septembra 2023 Sála 1
Sekcia B – Empirické poznávanie, bádateľsky orientované učenie a fyzikálny experiment v prostredí generácie Z 16.00 - 17.20

Study of circular and rotational motion with the help of experimentation and mathematical modeling enhanced by digital technologies

Klavdiia Kotvytska, Zuzana Jeskova


Developing the experimental skills of pre-service physics teachers

Antónia Juhásová, Marián Kireš


Remote physics experiment Mathematical pendulum as an attractive alternative to traditional laboratory exercises

František Lustig, Pavel Brom, Eva Hejnová


The entry profile of a pre-service physics teachers  and the development of their professional competences

Marián Kireš


Piatok, 22. septembra 2023 Sála 1
Sekcia A – Ciele, obsah a metódy fyzikálneho vzdelávania generácie Z 9.00 - 12.20

Attitudes of preschool teachers towards the importance of science teaching in preschool - preliminary study

Jitka Houfková


Eyetracking identification of cognitive decision-making modes in STEM education - a case study

Roman Rosiek, Miroslawa Sajka


Analysis of the difficulty of text generated by the ChatGPT artificial intelligence, text from a lower-secondary physics textbook and other sources

Vladimír Vochozka


Evaluating secondary school students’ science literacy with the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS)

Eva Hejnová




The Smíchov industrial school of the third age - Intergenerational STEM learning in practice

Věra Krajčová


Blended learning: A data-literate science teacher  is a better teacher

Jozef Hanč, Dominik Borovský, Martina Hančová


Adding more coherent light to the education

Vaclav Sebelik


Augmented Reality as a Tool for Teaching Physics to Students with Special Needs

Gabriela Pavlendova Giannis Ladas, Milena Košak Babuder, Karmen Javornik, Janja Rihter, Marco Cantarella, Alžbeta Marček Chorvatová

12:20 - 14:00


14:00 - 18:00

Voľný program (Výchádzka, turistika, lanovkou na  Chleb,...)


Piatok, 22. septembra 2023 Sála 2
Sekcia B – Empirické poznávanie, bádateľsky orientované učenie a fyzikálny experiment v prostredí generácie Z 9.00 - 12.20

Silent video task as an instrument of communication skills development

Klára Velmovská, Simona Gorčáková


Simulator for teaching the CT principle

Petr Voda, David Kordek


Interactive hands-on laboratory for upper secondary students: What do the visitors appreciate?

Petr Kácovský, Marie Snětinová, Matěj Ryston, Lydia Ceháková, Jana Legerská


Stimulating learning through games

Viera Haverlíková, Ladislav Janiga




GeoGebra and its applications, especially for teaching of geometrical optics

David Kordek, Petr Voda


Physical principles in simulation training for nurses from generation Z

Miroslava Liskova, Dana Zrubcova


Generation Z's "Magnet car" meme as inspiration for a school physical experiment

Vladimír Vochozka


Innovative technologies of physical and mathematical education implemented by using of fractal approach

Vladimir Šebeň

12:20 - 14:00


14:00 - 18:00

Voľný program (Výchádzka, turistika, lanovkou na  Chleb,...)


Slávnostná večera o 18:30


Sobota, 23. septembra 2023 Sála 1

Ukončenie konferencie





Conference fee & Payment information

Conference fee
Each participant may choose to submit up to two papers. The fee depends on the number of submitted papers as follows:
Corresponding author with 1 paper 490 EUR
Corresponding author with 2 papers 600 EUR
Other participants 380 EUR
The fee includes
   - access to conference sessions,
   - refreshment during coffee breaks,
   - a printed copy of the conference Proceedings,
   - confrerence program,
   - conference paper(s) - if submitted,
   - accommodation,
   - lanches and dinners.


Payment information
The fee can be paid only by bank transfer.
The payment deadline: July 14, 2023

Please make the payment to the following account:

IBAN: SK46 0900 0000 0051 9595 8114

Account name: Viac ako ucenie
Variable symbol: 23092023
Message for recipient: Insert your surname(s)

Correspondence Bank:
Slovenska Sporitelna
Stefanikova trieda 61,
949 01 Nitra,

Viac ako učenie - občianske združenie
Gorazdova 19,
949 01 Nitra,

Identification No. (IČO): 42365791
Tax identification No. (DIČ): 2024059950

Please do not forget to include your surname(s) in the message for recipient. For example, write “Smith” if the payment concerns one person; or “Smith Miller” if two persons are involved; etc.


Organizing Committee

Lubomíra Valovičová

Lubomíra Valovičová

Conference chair

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia

Ľubomír Zelenický

Ľubomír Zelenický

Conference co-chair

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia

Ján Ondruška

Ján Ondruška

Constantine the Philospher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia

International Scientific Committee

Peter Demkanin Comenius University in Bratislava Bratislava, Slovakia
Leoš Dvořák Charles University Prague, Czech republic
Claudio Fazio The University of Palermo Palermo, Italia
Stanislav Holec Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Marián Kireš Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Košice, Slovakia
Eva Milková University of Hradec Králové Hradec Králové, Czech republic
Mária Rakovská Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Nitra, Slovakia
Roman Rosiek Pedagogical University of Cracow Cracow, Poland
Vladimír Šebeň University of Presov in Presov Prešov, Slovakia
Anton Trník Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Nitra, Slovakia
Ľubomíra Valovičová Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Nitra, Slovakia
Ľubomír Zelenický Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Nitra, Slovakia



Department of Physics

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

Nitra, Slovakia


 VAU (Viac ako učenie)

Non-governmental organization

Nitra, Slovakia